A Virginia father was disciplining his son for cutting class. As a means of discipline he decided that he would put on boxing gloves and spar with his son to teach him a lesson. So far, good parenting. His 17 year old son was captured leaking blood all over his shirt and close once the fight was done. Public should have never this video. When did it become appropriate to post videos of disciplining our children on social media, for no other purpose than to gain praise for injuring and humiliating these kids.
The sad thing, he may actually be a good dad, is what I would’ve assumed had he not posted a video of him punching on his son to the point of him bleeding. How would posting such a video on social media help his son? It’s not cool when we see the trend of black mothers doing it and being a black father doesn’t make it any more cool to humiliate these kids. It’s as if these parents are so terrible, that they have to seek the permission of social media in order to raise their own children. Or they want pats on the back for simply being a parent and doing the wrong thing.
If this father wanted to truly discipline his son while teaching him combat, then he should have at least used protective gear, especially on the child’s head. Sometimes a young man needs his behind whipped and as father’s its the responsibility of black dad’s to make sure we discipline our young ones. But there should never be a fine line between discipline and child abuse, in which this was clearly a case of child abuse because it was handled totally improperly and I would not encourage any dad to mistreat their son this way under any circumstances.
This father has ruined his child’s perception of him and will remember what hundreds of thousands of other people all over the world have to say about how terrible of a father he is… simply because the dad wanted their permission or praise. What a weak ass man to think its okay to humiliate their own child for their own aggrandizement. So don’t cry now that it backfires on you.
Social media didn’t respond the way the father envisioned and now he is facing serious charges for his negligent parenting. The child has been taking away from him. All this, because he put on boxing gloves with his son, beat him until he bled, and then posted the bloody carnage on social media. I do think that maybe the father needs serious evaluation so we can learn why this was thought to be okay.
I also took note that this was not something that occurred in an urban neighborhood. This happened in what appeared to be a suburban area. I am curious to know what the mother feels and how she is dealing with this event. I hope that if she is not living with the father, that at least she can take him, if she is fit and give the boy a good home. This is a terrible and sad case.
I hope we learn one lesson. Black people! Stop posting videos and pictures of you abusing your children on social media for public praise as a parent! If you have to whoop their asses for the benefit of the child, then do it without a cell phone around. Don’t put it on social media. And be a damn parent without the cheers and pats on the back from social media.