Beautiful Sun Touched Dark Skin African Indian Descendants
The first Indians were actually settlers from Africa. Scientists have concluded that due to new evidence, Africa was once part of Native America. Over a vast period of time, the land was separated by the continents changing shapes and sizes, all except Africa of course which is the motherland.
Africans and Native Americans actually share a rich history together. The close relationship between Native Americans and Africans is why the Indian people have very favorable features, such as sun-touched skin and wider noses as well as thicker lips. We know absolutely that ancestral South Indians who originally inhabited much of South Asia some 2000-3000 years ago were actually Africans.
Do you like beautiful Indian women? I actually love all flavors of beautiful African women, but I never forget about how beautiful Indian women are. Most genuine Indians look so identical to Black Africans that at times you can hardly tell the difference. Many South Indian features resemble Black people more closely than people of other cultures or so-called races. That’s because Indian people are direct descendants of African people who never mated with people from the Caucus mountains. The main thing that distinguishes Native American Indian people from African people is the texture of their hair. Skin tones very different in Indian groups similarly to how they differ among African people.
One thing that particularly makes Indian women so pretty is the African features that they exhibit. In fact, Indians who do not display African features are more closely related to Caucasians as a result of relations when they were conquered. It was very traditional to take prisoners and slaves once a territory was conquered as a way of the soldiers sewing their oats.
Indian women come in all shades, shapes, and sizes and Indian women are beautiful too. If you don’t believe me, then I will prove it to you with pictures I have provided of some of the hottest Indian women on the planet!
When I was a kid, I didn’t even know that there was a difference between Indian people and Black people. I thought they were the same. Maybe it’s because they are the same. Almost exactly the same. Food for thought.