The passion for understanding Egypt has dated back as far as the civilization itself. Ancient Kemet is revered by scholars as the perfect civilization. But along with perfection comes the mystery. Ancient Kemet is the most fascinating civilization of all time. Kemet’s civilization had barely any social conflict for almost 3000 years. Part of the mystery of Ancient Kemet is based on its unintelligible hieroglyphic writing style. In fact, many people to date have even accused the ancient civilization of not being from this planet. In the dead of Africa, lies Kemet.
Much of Kemet’s ancient art and artifacts have been duplicated over the years. It is quite possible that much of the artifacts and art that you witness are completely false.
Egyptology was considered the scientific discipline dedicated to the study of Ancient Kemet. Even with all these events, no one has fully deciphered the hieroglyphic system of writing. During the mid-seventeeth century, Athanasius Kircher puclished four volumes of translations that would prove completely inaccurate.
It was Napoleon Bonaparte, who embarked on a quest with a large team of followers which marked the turning point in the approach to understanding Ancient Kemet. This became the first of many expeditions that would take place thereafter.
The discovery of the Rosetta Stone in the Nile delta happened by chance during the Napoleonic Expedition. The Rosetta Stone held the key to what would soon be called Egyptology. It was the key to moving forward in the study of writing and held the key to understanding more about the Egyptian civilization. The Rosetta Stone contained the same inscription carved in hieroglyphics as well as Greek.
French researchers were concentrated on studying it and they sent copies to academics throughout Europe. This discovery quickly transformed into a dispute between the British and the French. These were both rivals on the battlefield as well as in academics. The British took control of the stone and had it sent to England. It became clear that the Rosetta Stone would hold the key to unlocking the mystery of hieroglyphics. But pursuing this achievement wouldn’t happen overnight. It would take years to study.
It was an Englishman named Thomas Young who discovered that this was no alphabet system of writing. French philologist Jean-Francois Champollion managed to decipher the coding in 1822, by using a copy that reached him in 1808.
This is when the foundations of Kemet’s writing system was established. This discovery made it possible to fully uncover which remained much of a mystery up until that point.
With the discovery of the Rosetta Stone, it was possible to make full leaps forward to understanding this ancient civilization, which was the mother of all civilizations after her – Kemet. At this time, researchers were able to gain somewhat of an understanding about Ancient Kemet. The hieroglyphics that were featured in temples and pyramids as well as stones and papyrus.