All these rappers you supported who got famous and rich off of your bucks still have a white massah, and they will sell you out to keep their money coming in.
These rappers had no problem with telling you they would kill a newborn mother’s baby to feed themselves and they sold you their albums. Now they are you telling you that instead of saying Black Lives Matter, you be should stop killing yourselves. The hypocrisy is ridiculous!
Sad thing is that your kids listen to their kids and they are still making money off of you. None of your thug heroes had a responsibility to care about you just because you made them famous. They are against you. They are signed to giant industries and many of them married white women. You were never their priority.
This is the reason why I no longer support any form of the contradictory hip hop music. We created great music. Real music that used to uplift and inspire us. Most music today sucks and this hop hop trash is at the bottom of the barrel. They have destroyed our music and the idols your children worship are coons, tap dancing for rich white companies and peddling whatever they tell them to.
If you are influenced by any of these coons, then I pray for your soul! Once again, yes, you have been played, Nubian gods. They sucker punched you!